• We always recommend to use your typical starting point and adjust from there. But if you don’t have a typical starting point, here’s some guides to get you heading in the right direction. If you’d like more specifics, or you’re hitting a roadblock, reach out on what we can help you with!

    Shoot us an email or directly message us via Instagram and we’ll help you out. Be sure to let us know which coffee and what equipment you’re using!

  • Wellll, not exactly…

    This thinking and advertising came as a bit of a rhetoric as the second wave developed into the third wave of coffee and specialty coffee attempted to further itself from the commercial sector and coffees commonly found in grocery stores.

    We find our coffee to be at its “peak” between 14 and 28 days. It will absolutely still taste great either side of that though! Your coffee will likely arrive to you within 6 days of roast and you can use it then, and you can certainly use it past day 28! Some of the higher density and slightly lighter roasted coffees are still great into weeks 4-6.

    We recommend resting the coffee for 14 days after roast +1 additional day for every 1,000ft above altitudes of 2,000ft to reduce the intensity of crema and improve the taste experience. And as always, please adjust accordingly to taste preferences.

  • Coffee is currently roasted Monday - Wednesday for orders received the previous 5 days. Those coffees ordered earlier in the week will ship by Wednesday via USPS so that it arrives in your hands ready to drink (or almost ready!). Coffees ordered on Wednesday will ship between Wednesday and Friday pending stock levels or will ship the following week.

    For USPS shipments on the West Coast, orders will arrive 2-5 business days once shipped. And for our East Coast buds expect 3-7 business days.

    We do not ship on U.S. federally recognized holidays.

  • Only blends are currently available as subscriptions in whole bean. They will ship Wednesdays on the week of ordering and the recurring orders following.

  • If you do need your coffee ground, please contact us and we’ll be most happy to help. We can help source and supply you with a grinder for your home, too. No problem!

